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This blog aims to share knowledge about treatment of diseases using natural medicines that can reduce side-effects from the chemicals contained in drugs. We want to change the lifestyle of the people to live healthier and costs less severe. Our expectation for each post on this blog can be beneficial to the community and can provide solutions to the problems in the health field. To you who are experiencing health problems, do not be afraid and worried because we are here ready to help you.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vitamins and minerals

 Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are an important part of healthy foods. When a person consumes a variety of foods, then it is likely to experience lack of vitamins and minerals are very small. People who undergo a strict diet may not get enough of certain vitamins or minerals. for example a very strict vegetarian who may suffer a lack of vitamin b12, which can only be obtained from foods of animal origin. Conversely, consuming large amounts of vitamin and mineral supplement without medical supervision, may cause harmful effects. Vitamin Vitamins are micronutrients that are important and needed by the body in small amounts. fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins a, d, e and k, whereas water-soluble vitamins are vitamin b and vitamin c. vitamin b consists of: - Vitamin b1 (thiamine) - Vitamin b2 (riboflavin) - Vitamin b6 (pyridoxine) - Pantothenic acid - Niacin - Biotin - Folic acid - Vitamin b12 (cobalamin). The recommended daily requirement (the average amount required each day to stay healthy), has been established for each vitamin. Someone who is too much or too little of a particular vitamin can have nutritional disorders. If taken more than 10 times the recommended dose every day, vitamins A and D are toxic, but vitamin E and K (filokuinon) did not. Niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin C when taken in high doses would be toxic, but is not the case with other vitamins that dissolve in water. Only 2 kinds of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A and E) stored in the body until a large amount. vitamin D and K are stored in small quantities. Depending on the needs, vitamin C is stored in the least amount. Vitamin B12 is stored in the greatest number and it takes about 7 years to spend 2-3 mgr supply this vitamin. Mineral Minerals are natural compounds formed through geological processes. The term minerals includes not only material but also the structure of the chemical composition of minerals. Minerals included in the composition of pure elements and simple salts to very complex silicates with thousands of known forms (organic compounds are usually not included). The study of minerals is called mineralogy. To be classified as a true mineral, the compound must be a solid and has a crystal structure. These compounds should also be formed naturally and has a certain chemical composition. Previous definition did not include compounds such as minerals derived from derivatives of organic compounds. However, the International Mineralogical Association in 1995 has proposed a new definition of the definition of material: "Minerals are an element or compound in a state that normally has a crystal element and formed from geological processes." In mineralogy and crystallography, a crystal structure is a typical arrangement of atoms in a crystal. A crystal structure built by the unit cell, a set of atoms arranged in particular, which are periodically repeated in three dimensions in a lattice. Spacing between unit cells in all directions is called its lattice parameters. The symmetry properties of crystal are embodied in its space group. The structure and symmetry of a emmainkan important role in determining its properties, such as the nature of the division, the structure of electrical tape, and optical. Because these substances are needed by the body in relatively large amount and also called several minerals (sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium), are incorporated into class makronutrisimakromineral. Other minerals are micronutrients, as required by the body in small quantities and also called mikromineral. Which belong to the mikromineral are iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, iodine and fluoride. Lack of minerals, except iron and iodine, are rare. Excess some minerals can cause poisoning. 1. Vitamin A (retinol) Vitamin A is one type of fat soluble vitamin that plays an important role in the formation of the visual system is good. There are several compounds that are classified into groups of vitamin A, including retinol, retinyl palmitate, and retinyl acetate. However, the term often refers to vitamin A retinol compounds compared with other compounds because the compound is the most active role in the body. Primary Source: • As a vit. A: Fish liver oil, beef liver, egg yolk, butter, cream • As a carotene (converted to vit. A in the intestines): green leafy vegetables, yellow vegetables & fruits, red palm oil Key Benefits: • Normal Vision Vitamin A plays a role in the formation of many senses of sight for humans. This vitamin will help convert the signal molecule of light received by the retina to become a projection image in our brains. Compounds that play a major role in this regard is retinol. Together with rodopsin, retinol compound will form a complex pigment sensitive to light to transmit light signals to the brain. Therefore, vitamin A deficiency in the body is often fatal in the organs of sight. • Health Skin & Networking Other Surface • Protection Against Infection Vitamin A also may protect the body from infection of a foreign organism, such as bacterial pathogens. Defense mechanism is included in the external immune system, because the immune system comes from outside the body. This vitamin will increase the work activity of white blood cells and antibodies in the body so the body becomes more resistant to the toxin compounds against invading microorganisms and parasites, such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses. • Antioxidants Beta carotene, a form of vitamin A, a compound with antioxidant activity that can counteract free radicals. These free radical compounds derived from oxidation of many in the body or from pollution in the environment enter the body. Antioxidants in the body to prevent damage to genetic material (DNA and RNA) by free radicals so that the rate of mutation can be suppressed. The decline rate of these mutations will lead to a reduced risk of cancer cell formation. The antioxidant activity is also closely related to the prevention of the aging process, especially in the skin cells.
Due to lack: night blindness; thickening of the skin around the hair follicle, drying the whites of the eyes and cornea, which ultimately lead to protrusion, and the outbreak of the corneal ulcer formation along with eye evisceration; blindness; spots in the whites of the eyes; the risk of infection and death Due to excess: headaches, peeling skin, liver and spleen enlargement, thickening of bone & joint pain Adult Daily Requirements: 900 micrograms Vitamin D Primary Source: • as vit.d2 (elgokalsiferol): yeast, milk • as vit.d3 (cholecalciferol): fish liver oils, egg yolks, milk, formed in the skin when exposed to sunlight (ultraviolet light) Key Benefits: • calcium and phosphate absorption from the intestine • mineralization, growth and bone repair Due to lack: distinguished bone growth and repair abnormal, ² rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults, muscle spasms Daily Needs Adults: 10 micrograms Vitamin E Primary Source: vegetable oils, wheat germ, leafy vegetables, egg yolks, margarine, legumes Key Benefits: antioxidants Due to lack: rupture of red blood cells, nerve damage Due to excess: advantages: increased need vit.k Daily Needs Adults: 10 micrograms Vitamin K Primary Source: leafy vegetables, pork, liver, vegetable oil, produced by bacteria in the gut Key Benefits: • the formation of blood clotting factor • abnormal blood clot formation which Due to lack: bleeding Daily Needs adult: 65 micrograms Vitamin B (thiamine) Primary Source: dry yeast, wheat, meat (especially pork and liver), beans, legumes, potatoes Key Benefits: carbohydrate metabolism Due to lack: beriberi in children and adults, accompanied by heart failure and nerve function and abnormal brain distinguished Daily Needs Adult: 1.2 milligrams Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Primary Source: milk, cheese, liver, meat, eggs, wheat Key Benefits: • carbohydrate metabolism • mucous membrane health Due to lack: Cracked lips & corners of the mouth ² & scaly, dermatitis Daily Needs Adult: 1.5 milligrams Niacin (nicotinic Aasam) Primary Source: dry yeast, liver, meat, fish, legumes, wheat Key Benefits: • chemical reactions in cells • carbohydrate metabolism Due to lack: Pellagra (dermatosis, inflammation of the tongue, intestines and brain function which abnormal) Daily Needs Adults: 16 milligrams Vitamin B6 (Pridoksin) Primary Source: Dry yeast, liver, meat, wheat, fish, legumes Key Benefits: • amino acid metabolism and fatty acid • nervous system function • skin health Due to lack: seizures in infants, anemia, nerve and skin disorders Daily Needs Adults: 2 milligrams Biotin Primary Source: liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast, cauliflower, beans, legumes Key Benefits: carbohydrate metabolism and fatty acid Due to lack: inflammation of the skin & lips Daily Needs adult: 60 micrograms Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Primary Source: liver, meat (particularly beef, pork), eggs, milk & dairy products Key Benefits: • red blood cell maturation • nerve function • dna synthesis Due to lack: anemia pernicious anemia & other (on a vegetarian who suffer from fish tapeworm), and keeping psychological disorders, impaired vision Daily Needs adults: 2 micrograms Folic Acid Primary Source: green leafy vegetables which are still fresh, fruit, liver, dried yeast Key Benefits: • red blood cell maturation • dna & RNA synthesis Due to lack: Decreasing the number of all types of blood cells (pancytopenia), red blood cells which are large (especially in pregnant women, infants and people with malabsorption) Daily Needs Adults: 200 micrograms Pantothenic acid Primary Source: liver, yeast, vegetable Key Benefits: carbohydrate & fat metabolism Due to lack: neurological diseases, burning feet Daily Needs adult: 6 milligrams Vitamin C Primary Source: oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green peppers Key Benefits: Antioxidants Due to lack: Scurvy (bleeding, tooth loss, inflamed gums) Daily Needs Adults: 60 milligrams Sodium Primary Source: salt, beef, pork, sardines, cheese, green olives, corn bread, potato chips, pickled cabbage Key Benefits: • acid-base balance • nerve & muscle function Due to lack: confusion, coma Due to Excess: confusion, coma Adult Daily Requirements: 1 gram Chloride Primary Source: same as the main source of sodium Key Benefits: balance elektrolis Due to lack: Acid-base balance disorders Daily Needs Adults: 1.5 grams Potassium Primary Source: skim milk, bananas, dried plums, raisins Key Benefits: • nerve & muscle function • acid-base balance and water balance Due to lack: paralysis, heart problems Due to excess: paralysis, heart problems Daily Needs adults: 2 grams Calcium Primary Source: Milk & dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, wheat, beans, fruits, vegetables Key Benefits: • the formation of bones & teeth • blood clotting • nerve & muscle function • abnormal heart rhythm Due to lack: muscle spasms Due to excess: pressure loss of bowel, kidney failure, abnormal behavior (psychosis) Adult Daily Requirements: 1 gram Phosphate Primary Source: milk, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, wheat, beans, legumes Key Benefits: • the formation of bones & teeth • acid-base balance • acid component nukteat • energy production Due to lack: irritability, weakness, abnormal blood cells, intestine and kidney disorders Due to excess: Excess occurred in patients with renal failure, high blood levels of phosphate Dlm Daily Needs Adults: 0.9 grams Magnesium Primary Source: green leafy vegetables, beans, wheat, seafood Key Benefits: • the formation of bones & teeth • nerve & muscle function • pengaktivan enzyme Due to lack: abnormal nerve function Due to excess: low blood pressure, respiratory failure, heart rhythm disturbances Daily Needs Adults: 0.3 grams Iron Primary Source: soybean meal, beef kidney, liver, beans, shellfish, peaches Key Benefits: • formation of an enzyme, which serves to change the body's various chemical Dlm • forming the main component of red blood cells and muscle cells Due to lack: anemia, difficulty swallowing, spoon-shaped nails, intestinal disorders, reduced performance, impaired learning ability Due to excess: iron deposition, kerusakanhati (cirrhosis), diabetes mellitus (diabetes), skin coloring Daily Needs adult: 12 milligrams Zinc Primary Source: meat, seafood Key Benefits: • component enzyme • the formation of red blood cells • bone formation, / td. Due to lack: yg slow growth, delayed sexual maturity, reduced taste sensation Daily Needs Adults: 15 milligrams Copper Primary Source: meat, oysters, nuts, dried legumes, wheat Key Benefits: • component enzyme • the formation of red blood cells • bone formation Due to lack: anemia in children who suffer from malnutrition ² Due to excess: copper deposition in the brain, liver damage Daily Needs Adults: 2 milligrams Manganese Primary Source: wheat, fruits reclaimed Key Benefits: enzyme components Due to lack: weight loss, skin irritation, nausea and vomiting, hair discoloration, hair growth slow reply Due to excess: nerve damage Daily Needs Adult: 3.5 milligrams Molybdenum Primary Source: dairy products, wheat Key Benefits: pengaktivan enzyme Due to lack: acidosis, rapid heart rate which, breathing fast, blind spots, night blindness, irritability Adult Daily Requirements: 150 micrograms Selenium Primary Source: meat and other animal results, the concentration of which there are land plants Dlm Key Benefits: important for the synthesis of an antioxidant enzyme, Due to lack: deficiency: muscle pain & weakness Due to excess: hair and nail loss, skin inflammation, neurological disorders may occur Daily Needs adult: 60 micrograms Iodine Primary Source: seafood, iodized salt, dairy products, drinking water Key Benefits: formation of thyroid hormones, which regulate functioning of energy control mechanism Due to lack: thyroid gland enlargement (goiter), cretinism, deaf-mute, fetal growth and abnormal brain development which Due to excess: sometimes cause high levels of thyroid hormone Adult Daily Requirements: 150 micrograms Fluoride Primary Source: tea, coffee, water which contains fluoride Key Benefits: bone & tooth formation Due to lack: increased risk of cavitation teeth, bone thinning may occur Due to excess: fluorosis (excessive accumulation of fluorine), spots & perforated teeth, bones outside the spine growth Daily Needs Adult: 2.5 milligrams

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Temu Hitam

Temu Hitam

Temu Hitam is a plant that originated from Canada and spread to the island of Java .. At The Intersection Gunungkidul ireng in trust to increase appetite for children or adults. That is to give to drink or drinking herbal medicine made from the Intersection ireng ...
How to make, Temu Hitam washing, continue to puree with grated or blender, filtered with a filter, drinking on a regular basis ... But do not be surprised klu raanya bitter ... his name is not medicinal definitely feels good, apalagu ireng made of this meeting,,, surely it's not too bad ...
Temu Hitam is a bush plant, stem green and a bit soft because it is a false trunk composed of a collection of midrib of leaf, stem length of approximately 50 cm, and tall plants can reach 2 meters.
Temu Hitam is a plant that can live in the wild in the forests of teak, especially in Java from a height of 400-1750 meters above sea level and this plant likes fertile soil. Wide lancet-shaped leaves with thin strands of leaf, green leaf color to dark purplish brown. Flowers out of the armpit side of leaves or stems. Flowers covered by 2-3 midrib, 20-50 cm long flower stems and flower crown until creamy pink.This plant produces large rhizomes, tubers and is evenly branched stems.
Temu Hitam had a different name in each region of origin: temu ireng Java (Java), koneng hideung (Sunda), temo groaned (Madura), Sumatra: Intersection of items, Intersection groaned (Malay), black meeting (Minangkabau); Sulawesi: Intersection lotong (Bugis), Intersection leteng (Makassar); Nusa Tenggara: Intersection ireng (Bali).
Efficacy of Temu Hitam include:
* Fertile womb* Worms* Hemorrhoid* Menstrual pain* Peranakan down* Clean up blood after delivery* Cough* Increased stamina* Increase appetite* Urine, blood found overallocted* Neutralize toxins in the body* Skin diseases such as scab, scabies, ulcers* Asthma* Sprue* Etc.
Utilization of black meeting to prevent and solve problems:
Enrich content:25 gram of Temu Hitam, 25 grams Intersection dribbles, 20 grams kencur boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk.
Dysmenorrhea:25 gram of Temu Hitam, 20 grams kencur, 20 grams of turmeric, tamarind 2 segment boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk while warm.Cleaning the blood after delivery:25 Gram Temu Hitam boiled with enough water until the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk while warm.
Cough:25 gram of Temu Hitam, 5 g cumin, 25 grams kencur, 5 grams pulosari, 5 grams of fennel, and drink the water.
Neutralize toxins in the body:25 gram of Temu Hitam, 30 grams takokak boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk while warm.
Worms:25 gram of Temu Hitam, 15 grams of bangle, 5 pieces of betel leaf, coriander seeds 5 grains, 4 grams of nut seeds and boil with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk.Do it regularly as directed 2 times a day. Moderate to severe disease still advisable to consult a doctor.

Sirsak (Annona muricata)

Sirsak (Annona muricata)

 Soursop fruit called latin Annona muricata, also known by the name Sabrang jackfruit, jackfruit Londo, jackfruit buris, and in Bali, Java is more recognizable as a sugar apple. In addition to delicious, this fruit is also rich in drug content. Some diseases that are believed to be in this soursop fruit treated by, among others: hemorrhoid, bladder, diarrhea, and ulcers.

Efficacy and benefits for treatment:

* hemorrhoid.
Soursop fruit is ripe. Squeeze to take water as much as 1 cup, drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

* Pain Bladder Urine.
Half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the material is made ​​compote cooked. Eaten plain, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

* Infant Diarrhea.
Soursop fruit is ripe. Soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water, and drunk in infants suffering from diarrhea as much as 2-3 tablespoons.

frequent urination.
Half-ripe soursop and sugar to taste. Soursop peeled and boiled with sugar, together with 2 cups of water, filtered and drunk.

* lumbago.
20 pieces soursop leaves, boiled with 5 cups water to boil until tinggal3 glass, drink 1 a day 3 / 4 cup.

* Boils.
Soursop leaves are still young enough,

Beringin (Ficus benyamina L.)

Beringin (Ficus benyamina L.)

Curable Disease:Runny nose, high fever, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), rheumatic joint pain,; Injury hit (bruise), Influenza, inflammation of the airways (bronchitis); Whooping cough (pertussis), malaria, acute enteritis (acute enteritis); dysentery, heat cramps in children.;

PART USED:Aerial roots and leaves. Washed and dried before use.
INDICATIONS:Roots Air is useful to overcome:- Runny nose, high fever,- Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis),- Pain in arthritic joints, and- Injuries hit (bruise).
Leaves beneficial to overcome:- Influenza,- Inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), whooping cough (pertussis),- Malaria,- Acute intestinal inflammation (acute enteritis), dysentery, and- Heat cramps in children.
HOW TO USE:The roots of banyan air dry as much as 15-30 g or dried banyan leaves as much as 50-120 g of boiling water, then drink. For external use, banyan leaves boiled and warm water used for bathing.
EXAMPLE OF USAGE:1. Heat cramps in children:Take 100 g of fresh fig leaves, washed and boiled with 5 Lt waterfor 25 rnenit. This decoction while warm water is used forbathing the sick child.
2. Acute enteritis and dysenteryTake a fresh fig leaf of 500 g. Then washedand boil with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Afterchilling filtered, divided for 2 times drinks, morning and afternoon, eacheach 1 / 2 cup.
3. TonsillitisTake the aerial roots of banyan tree as much as 180 g, washed and cut intopieces as needed. Boil 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass.Add 1 cup vinegar. After the cold is used to rinse-mouthwash (gargle). Do this several times a day.
4. Chronic bronchitisTake 75 g of fresh fig leaves and 18 g of mandarin orange peel, washedand boil with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Aftercold filtered and then divided to. 3 times drinking, namely breakfast, lunch, andnight. Apply for 10 days.

Composition:NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effect slightly bitter taste, astringent, cool. CHEMICAL CONTENT: Roots of air containing amino acids, phenols, sugars, and acid orange.

Alang alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.)

 Alang alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.)

Curable Disease: Rhizome: skin softener; peluruh urine, blood cleansers, appetite enhancer, stop the bleeding. in addition it can be used also in treatment efforts venereal diseases (gonorrhea, blood urine, lion king), kidney disease, injury, fever, high blood pressure and nerve disease. All parts of plants used as animal feed, paper materials, and for the treatment of ringworm. Clinical test: Dekokta reed roots with dose 250-300 g, 2 times morning and evening to cure 27 cases from 30 patients with acute nephritis. In chronic nephritis, herbaceous weeds can reduce edema and lower blood pressure. Dekokta herbs 250 g in the singular or combined with roots and leaves of Nelumbo nucifera and Agrimonia pilosa leaves to treat epistaxis (nosebleeds), haemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematuri (urinating blood), menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition it was reported also that Dekokta reed roots can be effective for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis in 28 cases; usually used together with Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba and Artemisia capillaris buds. Toxicity: In the use according to the rules, practically not toxic. Securities not dfinginkan: Dizziness, nausea, increased bowel movements curiosity, sometimes occurs in clinical use. Pharmaceutical Technology: Cellulose leaf weeds on the water absorption has a relatively well in the manufacture of tablets by direct compression.

PART USED: Only the roots (rhizomes) used for the treatment of
As a laxative urine: 49 dried rhizome, cut into pieces and then added with 2 cups of water and boiled until the volume of water to 1 cup, filtered, then taken 2 times a day.
Fever due to bloody urination: 1 tablespoon full of reed rhizome, boil with a few pieces of pliers kwe (half-ripe fruit flesh beligu made candied dried) in two glasses of water to live up to half. This drink 2 glasses of water a day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down.
"Zwartwaterkoorts" (BLD): Drinking boiled water as tea alang grass roots.

Composition: Roots: metabolites that have been found on the roots of the weeds ter.diri arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, scopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, katekol, chlorogenic acid, isoklorogenat acid, acid p-kumarat, neoklorogenat acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, d-malic acid, citric acid, potassium (0.75% of dry weight), large amounts of calcium and 5-hidroksitriptamin. From the results of other studies on the roots and leaves found in 5 different flavonoid derivatives ie derivatives 3 ', 4' 0.7-trihidroksi flavone, 2 ', 3'-dihydroxy kalkon and 6-hydroxy flavanol. A derivative of the possibility of including the class of flavonoids flavone, flavonol substituted at the 3-0h, flavanones or isoflavones present in the soluble fraction in ethyl acetate extract of the roots of the weeds. In the fraction of water-soluble extract of the roots of the weeds found flavone class of compounds without the free OH groups, flavonoids, flavonol substituted at the 3-0h, flavanones or isoflavones.

Ciplukan (Physalis peruviana, Linn.)

Ciplukan (Physalis peruviana, Linn.)

Morel berry (Home)
Ciplukan (Physalis peruviana, Linn.)
Synonyms = Physalis angulata. Linn. Physalis minina, Linn.
Familia = Solanaceae

Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus, lung pain, Ayan, ulcers;

1. Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: ciplukan plants that have been revoked and their fruitful
roots and cleaned.
Method: dilayukan and boiled with water to 3 cups
1 cup boiling up residence, and then filtered
How to use: drink 1 a day.

2. Hectic
Material: full ciplukan plant (roots, stems, leaves, flowers and
Method: boiled with 3-5 cups water to boil and
How to use: drink 3 times a day 1 cup.

3. Epilepsy
Ingredients: 8-10 pieces ciplukan grains are cooked.
How to use: eaten every day on a regular basis.

4. Ulcer
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves plus 2 tablespoons water ciplukan whiting.
How to make: until finely ground
How to use: affixed on the sick.

Ciplukan fruit contains citric acid and chemical compound fisalin. Also ciplukan fruit also contains malic acid, alkaloids, Tanin, Kriptoxantin, Vitamin C and Sugar.

Gandapura, Kapasan, Akar kapasan

Gandapura, Kapasan, Akar kapasan

(Abelmoschus moschatus [L.] Medic.)
Sinonim :
Hibiscus abelmoschus L.
Familia :
 Kapasan found growing wild in open places on the land abandoned or shrubs or planted in gardens. Kapasan can be found at an altitude of 1-650 m above sea level. Shrubs, short-lived, grow upright, height 0.5 to 2.5 m. Stem round, their bases are generally woody, branching slightly, overgrown with coarse hair. Leaves single, long stemmed. Grooved leaf blade, bercangap, or share five very deep, jagged edge, pointed tip, heart-shaped base, pertulangan menjari, both surface rough-haired, 6-22 cm long, 5-20 cm wide, green. Single flower, bell-shaped, sized, out of the axillary, corolla 5 pieces, 3.5 to 10 cm long, yellow. Fruit box fruit, ovate, ribbed five, pointed, 5-8 cm long, hairy like the brush, if it is masa.k will open with 5 valves. Seed kidney-shaped, flat, hard, gray, striped smooth from base to tip, it smells fragrant. Kasturi seeds yield oil which is used as a mixture of cosmetics, rheumatism liniment, and a mixture of powder to soften the skin and skin rash drug. Kapasan can be propagated by seed.
Local Name:Sumatra LOCAL NAME: Gandapura, cotton sedeki (Lampung). Java: kakapasan, kaworo (Sunda), Kapasan, kasturi, Rule, rewulaw, waron (Java), kastore buccal (Madura). Maluku: kasturi (Ternate). NAME OF FOREIGN Huang genuflect (C), musk mallow (I). NAME simplicia Abelmoschi Radix (root Kapasan)
Curable Disease:The roots taste somewhat sweet, its cool. Heat-relief (antipyretic), peluruh urine (diuretics), anti-inflammatory, and launched a spending pus.

PART USEDThe main part used is root. In addition, seeds, leaves, and flowers are also efficacious as a medicine. Leaves and roots are used as fresh material.
INDICATIONSThe roots are used for treatment:- High fever,- Cough,- Difficult defecation (constipation), and- Urinary tract stones.
Seeds are used to overcome:- Headaches.
HOW TO USEFor drugs taken, boiled 10-15 g of fresh roots, and drink boiled water.For external use, wash the fresh leaves, then milled until smooth. Put these ingredients in boils, sores, or on broken bones (fractures), and then bandaged with cloth bandages. Alternatively, soak the flowers in coconut oil, then rub on burns or wounds caused scalded.
EXAMPLE OF USAGE IN THE COMMUNITYCoughWash 10 g of fresh root Kapasan, then cut thinly. Boil the remaining 3 cups water to 1 cup. Once cool, strain and drink, daily 2 times, each 1 / 2 cup.
NotesThe leaves, flowers, and seeds can be used to eradicate the insect.

Composition:The roots contain essential oils, fats, palmitic acid, sterols / Terpen. Seeds contain a-cephalin, fosfatidilserine, plasmalogen, fosfatidilkoline plasmalogen, ambrettolid, ambretol, afamesol, furfural, tannin fixation and volatile oil. Dried leaves contain a-sitosterol, aD-glycosides, and tannins. Flowers contain a-sitosterol, mirisetin, and glycosides.


Nutmeg Fruit

      Nutmeg has been famous since the former has a wide range of properties and uses, from cooking to a natural remedy for many ills. Nutmeg from Indonesia, which is derived mainly from the island of Banda Neira is nutmeg with the best quality in the world.

Here are some of the properties of nutmeg for human life:

     For cooking: fruit flavoring and nutmeg is a natural preservative
     For Health:
1.  Toothache relief

Substances contained in nutmeg oil helps fight bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities. To reduce pain in tooth / gum, apply a few drops of nutmeg oil on the sore gums with a massage.

 2.  Abdominal pain relievers

Natural compounds contained in nutmeg fruit is nutritious help smooth the digestive tract, not surprising since the first nutmeg been known to overcome the problem of diarrhea, flatulence and other digestive disorders.

 3. Sleeping pills

To overcome the problem of bed, pour a little nutmeg on a glass of warm milk.

  4.  Eliminate acne and blemishes

Tubuk nutmeg until smooth then mix with milk whole milk, stirring until the paste form. Apply on the face of trouble, let stand a few minutes, then wash face as usual.

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