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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Alang alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.)

 Alang alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.)

Curable Disease: Rhizome: skin softener; peluruh urine, blood cleansers, appetite enhancer, stop the bleeding. in addition it can be used also in treatment efforts venereal diseases (gonorrhea, blood urine, lion king), kidney disease, injury, fever, high blood pressure and nerve disease. All parts of plants used as animal feed, paper materials, and for the treatment of ringworm. Clinical test: Dekokta reed roots with dose 250-300 g, 2 times morning and evening to cure 27 cases from 30 patients with acute nephritis. In chronic nephritis, herbaceous weeds can reduce edema and lower blood pressure. Dekokta herbs 250 g in the singular or combined with roots and leaves of Nelumbo nucifera and Agrimonia pilosa leaves to treat epistaxis (nosebleeds), haemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematuri (urinating blood), menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition it was reported also that Dekokta reed roots can be effective for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis in 28 cases; usually used together with Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba and Artemisia capillaris buds. Toxicity: In the use according to the rules, practically not toxic. Securities not dfinginkan: Dizziness, nausea, increased bowel movements curiosity, sometimes occurs in clinical use. Pharmaceutical Technology: Cellulose leaf weeds on the water absorption has a relatively well in the manufacture of tablets by direct compression.

PART USED: Only the roots (rhizomes) used for the treatment of
As a laxative urine: 49 dried rhizome, cut into pieces and then added with 2 cups of water and boiled until the volume of water to 1 cup, filtered, then taken 2 times a day.
Fever due to bloody urination: 1 tablespoon full of reed rhizome, boil with a few pieces of pliers kwe (half-ripe fruit flesh beligu made candied dried) in two glasses of water to live up to half. This drink 2 glasses of water a day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down.
"Zwartwaterkoorts" (BLD): Drinking boiled water as tea alang grass roots.

Composition: Roots: metabolites that have been found on the roots of the weeds ter.diri arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, scopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, katekol, chlorogenic acid, isoklorogenat acid, acid p-kumarat, neoklorogenat acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, d-malic acid, citric acid, potassium (0.75% of dry weight), large amounts of calcium and 5-hidroksitriptamin. From the results of other studies on the roots and leaves found in 5 different flavonoid derivatives ie derivatives 3 ', 4' 0.7-trihidroksi flavone, 2 ', 3'-dihydroxy kalkon and 6-hydroxy flavanol. A derivative of the possibility of including the class of flavonoids flavone, flavonol substituted at the 3-0h, flavanones or isoflavones present in the soluble fraction in ethyl acetate extract of the roots of the weeds. In the fraction of water-soluble extract of the roots of the weeds found flavone class of compounds without the free OH groups, flavonoids, flavonol substituted at the 3-0h, flavanones or isoflavones.


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