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Sunday, May 1, 2011



1. Name
Scientific name: Citrus aurantifolia
Other names: lime (English), five (spain), limah (Arabic), sour orange (Sunda-Indonesia), orange dhurga (Madura-Indonesia)

2. Physical Characteristics
Figure: small tree
Trunk: have sharp spines and many small branches
Leaves: oval, somewhat stiff, 4-6cm long, slightly grooved on the edge upwards, the stem leaves are small and narrow
Flowers: white and fragrant
Fruit: shape slightly rounded, slightly contract ends, when young fruit is green, the older the light green or yellowish, sour taste fresh.

3. Places to grow
Orange juice has an open place with good air circulation
4. Multiplication
To plant a lemon tananaman results can be selected seedlings from seeds or transplanted seedlings.

5. Chemical Ingredients
Limonene, linalin acetate, geranil acetate, citric acid, vitamin c, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, iron, fellandren, and sitral.

6. Efficacy for the treatment of

a. Fever
Pick 2-4 lime leaves handheld. Boil with 2-4 cups of water. Use the cooking water is to compress the patient with a fever. The trick with a wash cloth in boiling water and squeezed, then placed on the forehead of the patient.

b. Chronic Cough
Squeeze a lemon old. Take a teaspoon of water feelings. Mix with soy sauce. Drink three times a day. Another way to treat a cough is with lemon juice while grilling on the fire until the predicted water in the lemon juice to boil. Let the fruit for a while until lukewarm. Halve lemon, and squeezed directly into the mouth until flowing into the throat. This recipe is also good for colds.

c. Mild flu
Drinking lemon water is warm.

d. Disease anemia
Prepare materials in the form of leaves of spinach 25 grams, chicken egg 2 eggs, orange juice and a half of fruit, 2 tablespoons of pure honey, and leaves the site liman 10 grams. Spinach leaves and leaf liman site cleaned, then pounded and take water, water mixed with egg yolk, lemon juice, and honey. Stir until smooth and drink 2 times a day.

e. Stopping smoking
Isaplah piece of lemon. Fresh sour taste that makes you horny for drinking water. Do this several times a day. This method in addition to reducing the urge to smoke also help clear the nicotine is contained in the teeth and mouth.

f. Eliminates the unpleasant armpit odor
Prepare lime juice mixed with whiting. After the bath, rub this mixture on underarms and allow some time before the fault. Apply morning and evening.
g. Other Benefits
Lime juice are mixed into the beverages, other than to refresh the body, is also able to facilitate the discharge of urine.

h. Hemorrhoid
Take some young rock guava leaves or banana bud plus a stone. Both materials are washed clean. Banana stone need not peeled, mashed both. Water accommodated feelings and drunk. Do it every day on a regular basis. Although the pain was gone to keep drinking water so that she is completely healed.

i. Bloating in children
Pick 3 pieces of guava leaves are still young and fresh. Boiled with 2 cups of water with half of teak bark pulosari and 5 grains of fennel. Boiling water until done live 1 cup only. Before drinking water should be filtered. Children aged 3 years to be given this liquid a day 3 times as much as 2 tablespoons, older children were given a day 1 cup.


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