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Sunday, May 1, 2011



1. Name
Scientific Name: Gynura segetum
Local Name: beluntas china, samsit, san qi cao (China)

2. Physical Characteristics
Figure: annual herb erect trunked
Height: if it is not flowering, the height is only about 10 cm, and if the flowering stems reach about 50 cm.
Leaves: single, edge bercanggap, nearly menjari with 10-16 grooves, very short stalks, leaves a bit limp like tempuyung leaf, upper surface color is older than the bottom, and the second surface of a single hair, stemmed, shaped like a heart or slightly rounded, taper the ends gently.
Flowers: appears at the threshold of the stem, blossom-shaped buttons before and after bloom looks like a collection of bright yellow rounded benangsari
Bulbs: grayish color, about 3-6 cm long, with a length of about 3 cm

3. Places to grow
Wild plants growing plantation house, the edge of the trench, or abandoned places.

4. Multiplication
Propagation of god leaves can be done by moving the tiller arising around the main stem can also be done by growing the tubers sprout buds or have a candidate.

5. Chemical Ingredients
Saponins, volatile oils, flavonoids

6. Efficacy for the treatment of
a. Bitten by a snake
Prepare tuber leaves gods. Crushed and paste the affected area
b. Wart medication
Petiklah 5 pieces of leaves of the gods, mash until smooth, smear on a warty place, then balutlah until firmly attached. Let the day and released the next day.
c. Injuries due to shock or because of fights
Petiklah god leaf stem around 14-30 grams. This plant may be boiled or ground and then take water and mixed with a little water. Mix with a little wine that has been heated
d. Other diseases
A god who boil the leaves of plants and drinking water is believed to cure many at once. For example, bleeding in women, breast swelling, coughing, and vomiting blood.


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