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Sunday, May 1, 2011



1. Name
Scientific Name: Psidium guajava
Other names: fan shi liu gan (Chinese), glima breueh, glimeu Beru, galiman, masiambu, guava, guava guava, cashew rocks (Sumatra-Indonesia), guava kluthuk, cashew bombard, jhambu bhender (Java-Indonesia), kojabas ( Nusa southeast-Indonesia), kayawese (Maluku, Indonesia)

2. Physical Characteristics
Figure: small tree
Height: 20-10 feet
Trunk: small, hard, surface shiny brown bark is easily peeled
Leaves: menjorong somewhat egg-shaped leaves with a clear line of bone
Flower: white, out of the armpit leaves
Fruit: globular, when young dark-green, or ripe old after a light green or yellowish green, flesh fruit containing seeds very many, beans chopped into small pieces and very hard

3. Places to grow
Tanama cashew grows in lowland to highland 1,200 meters above sea level. Loose until the clay soil to the planting. would be better if the site is open space and plenty of water.
4. Multiplication
To plant a guava bijim can be done by seed, grafting, or removing shoots that have rooted.

5. Chemical Ingredients
Leaves: tannin, eugenol (essential oils), fatty oils, dammar, tannic substances, triterpinoid, apfel acid.
Fruit: amino acid (tryptophan, lysine), calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin C.

6. Efficacy for the treatment of

Fresh guava leaf weighing 30 grams, plus a handful of rice flour and 1-2 cups of water boiled. This fluid is taken 2 times a day. Can also 3 young guava leaves are chewed fresh with a little salt and then swallowed. Perform 2 times daily.

b. sprue
boiled a handful of fresh guava leaves plus 1 finger bark with 1 liter of water. Strain and drink boiled water it 2 times a day.

c. Bleeding wounds or ulcers around the bone
Crushed fresh guava leaves, leaf lumatan paste sick of this place. Do this several times a day.

d. Diabetes
Take 1 piece of guava is still mengkal and cut into pieces, then boil with 3 cups water to 1 cup. Strain before drinking 2 times a day.

e. Hemorrhoid
Take some young rock guava leaves or banana bud plus a stone. Both materials are washed clean. Banana stone need not peeled, mashed both. Water accommodated feelings and drunk. Do it every day on a regular basis. Although the pain was gone to keep drinking water so that she is completely healed.

f. Bloating in children
Pick 3 pieces of guava leaves are still young and fresh. Boiled with 2 cups of water with half of teak bark pulosari and 5 grains of fennel. Boiling water until done live 1 cup only. Before drinking water should be filtered. Children aged 3 years to be given this liquid a day 3 times as much as 2 tablespoons, older children were given a day 1 cup.


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